Designed for grade levels 4-12, the GLOBAL ISSUES PROBLEM SOLVING (GIPS 4 Person Team) component is a statewide, national, and international competitive program. Students form 4 Person Teams. 

Students research topics that have implications for the future. FPSP Indiana teams apply the 6 step process to three topics annually. A future scene or imagined future story prompts students to tackle social, scientific, political, economic, or technological issues. 

Teams explore challenges to the future as they refine their critical and creative thinking skills; select one problem area; produce unique solution ideas; and develop an action plan to resolve their specific problem. 

Students then present a 4-minute skit to "sell" their solution to an audience of their peers.

The First Place Indiana winners in the Junior (grades 4-6) Middle (grades 6-9) and Senior (grades 9-12) will advance to the Internationals Finals in June.